Since I was about 11-12 years old, I knew what I wanted to do. I had created a game on paper which was like an MMORPG. Nearly the whole class played it, and also the little sisters and brothers of classmates. At this moment on I knew this was my future and since then I have been working towards the goal of making games.

Eventually I got into high school, where after some years I got my HAVO diploma. During high school I kept working towards my goal. Already partly making a small 2D game and tipping my toes into 3D, but it wasn’t until College that I found my love for 3D, specifically modelling.

I went to the Koning Willem 1 College, where I studied to become a media designer. Since I loved 3D so much, I started to make more projects of my own in my free time and tried to incorporate it in every project I could. Eventually I graduated and got my MBO4. It was time to get some work experience and really improve my skills, and I eventually landed a job at KO. Company where I currently still work at.


In my free time I play a lot of video games like Europe Universalis IV, Valorant & Minecraft and love hanging out with friends in discord, but I also enjoy going to conventions and medieval festivals like Comicon and Castlefest. I have a love for the medieval era and fantasy, in particular The Lord of the Rings, which I am a massive fan of. I can’t recall how many times I have seen the movies.


Though I mainly stay inside, I don’t shy away from a party. I wouldn’t be a real Brabander if I didn’t celebrate carnaval. Though I took a bit of a break from it during my teenage years, I now go every year and would always meet family or friends in all the corners of the city. So if you even need to find me, come to Oeteldonk. You’ll probably find me having a beer with my family and enjoying the music.